was the pump shed which got blown over. In the middle of all the wind, Survivor, our oldest ewe showed signs of impending delivery. She did not come running over for food as she usually does, but stayed away from the others in a secluded spot. That evening I went out at 8pm to check on her and she had popped out a little lamb and was delivering the afterbirth. I went back at 10pm and the lamb was bleating, but on its back in a pampas clump. Mum was staying close and protecting it. The rain was not as bad, but I was not 100% hopeful that such a small creature would survive through the night. It did! We have named her Ivette because this is the year of the letter "I" and she was as bouncy as the Ivette that we know.
Every cloud has a silver lining, and the bonus of the storm was that scallops got washed up in large numbers on the exposed beaches. A friend of Chantelle's went out and collected some. They were delicious raw.

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