Howdy reader(s)! It is with great pleasure that I can declare that spring has sprung upon us. It arrived on September the first technically, but there is a change in the air to back up the dates as well. It stays light until about 6.30pm. That makes it almost light eough to go out and play after tea. It has been a bit warmer as well and I swear that the grass looks a bit happier. It still showers heavily most days, but we cannot have everything.
So the farm pootles along. The pigs are growing and show their displeasure at having turned their entire area into a mud-bath by escaping under the wire every day. They are high on the list for getting fresh pasture tomorrow.
The picture shows the results of a fast and furious fish last weekend. With a low due in on saturday night and a low tide at dusk, Eric and I went for a late afternoon fish at our favourite spot. We had action from start to finish and put smaller fish back to grow bigger. We pulled 6 fish home and smoked some fillets with manuka honey on Sunday. Also did some as sushi and smoked some whole fish with brown sugar and salt. Eric is displaying the fillets. They tasted very good for our tea.
Donna the rabbit escaped while we were all at school and we found her later on in a deceased condition. Stuart was bereft as she was his first pet.
The lambs are all doing well. We had some fun last w/e trying to catch 82, the ram lamb. If humans could run that well at a week old, primary sports day would be like the Olympics! After finally running him down on stewart Island, a ring was applied to his tail to keep it short.
Not much home news really. We are hanging out for the end of term in 2 weeks time.
Helen Clark (the PM) announced that the election would be on November 8th. Could be a close race this time. The opposition is provided by National who are keeping their cards close to their chests, because people are not going to be happy to hear that public services are going to take a hammering. We shall see.
Til next time.
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